Monday, November 5, 2007

My Stay In Asheville


I finished my contract working for Yellowstone National Park on September 29th. It really didn’t start to slow down until mid-September...but at least I got a couple of slower weeks in to end my work there. Overall, I enjoyed my stay in Yellowstone, however, I could only do that type of work full-time for 4 months at a time. I saved up a lot of money from this summer, which is helping to fund my winter.

I left Yellowstone on October 1st. I drove my truck across the United States until I arrived at Asheville, North Carolina on October 4th. I took a week off and enjoyed social time. I spent most of the summer alone in my free time. In Asheville, I have spent almost all my free time in the company of friends. It has been quite a contrast. After the first week here, I took up a landscaping job working about 3 hours per day. I trim bushes, weed, and cut grass for 2 apartment complexes...among other various jobs. I have also found myself bartering with friends: I will help them do some work for a few hours in exchange for some food. I enjoy doing this also.

I am staying with a friend in his 1 bedroom apartment. I use the living room as my bedroom at night. During the day we share the place. So far it has been working out great... so I have not been sleeping in my tent lately.

I have continued to do lots of hiking and bike riding after arriving in Asheville. I am enjoying all of the fall colors and the slow changing of the seasons. My stay in Asheville has been great so far. I plan to leave for Florida on December 10th.

For now, I have decided not to own an automobile. I have spent about 4 years of my life (after 21 years old) not owning an auto and the rest of my life owning one. I have to say so far, that even though there are advantages to owning an auto, overall, I enjoy not owning one more. My truck is currently for sale.

Let me know what you have been up to.


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