Tuesday, May 13, 2008

2,000 Miles

Tomorrow morning I will leave on a 2,000 mile journey to Yellowstone National Park which should take me about 3 and 1/2 days by car. I plan to arrive on Saturday and my first day of work is on Sunday. I am thankful to have a job for this summer, however I am not looking forward to the isolated environment. It will be interesting to compare the coming season with the one from last year. I will be stationed at the East gate once again. I have a feeling that it will be an interesting summer.

I just spent the past week in Florida helping my Dad and Mom move furniture and other items from their condo to a house they just bought. I enjoyed my parents excitement over their new house which is located just off the 11th hole of a golf course. I also got to spend time with my Florida friends which was also good.

Once again, I enjoyed my visit to Asheville. I spent time with many good friends. I played volleyball, tennis and weight lifted every week. Went out to bars and restaurants about 4 days per week. Walked every day. Ran several days per week. Went to the movies on occasion. Went to a few house parties. Hit the Internet cafes. Went hiking and biking. A fun vacation overall! I did not work this time in Asheville.

This fall I am looking to settle down. (geographically speaking) I find that it is hard to maintain relationships when I am going back and forth from the East coast to the West coast. In the past year, I went from Portland, Oregon to Yellowstone N.P. to Asheville, North Carolina to Stuart, Florida. I would like to work this fall in one of the major West Coast cities: Seattle, Portland, San Francisco Bay area, Los Angeles Area, or San Diego area. Please keep an eye open for jobs in any of the West coast cities. I would like to continue working for the government if possible, but I am open to any job that pays $12 per hour or more. I plan to spend the summer applying for jobs in these cities.

"To exist is to change; to change is to mature; to mature is to create oneself endlessly." -Henri Bergson

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